Sunday, March 27, 2011

A new hairstyle, a new age, a new start..

Do nothing on birthday..
except going for a haircut.
Wanted to cut it short since long time only that the hairdresser said I am fat and not suitable.
Today, went to another hairdresser and insisted on cutting it short!

Is it cos of the song by 梁詠琪- 短髮?

哭到喉嚨沙啞 還得拼命裝傻
我故意視而不見 你外套上有她的髮

我已剪短我的髮 剪斷了牽掛
長長短短 短短長長

我已剪短我的髮 剪斷了懲罰
反反覆覆 清清楚楚
一刀兩斷 你的情話 你的謊話

At least, now, easier for hairwash, don't need to bun up for work..
and I think I look younger, hehe..
ok..I know I am still fat..

Happy to see mum at Whitesand! Thought she would come home late but she looked for me around 1pm I think..and I was surprised! Happy..
Me and mum went haircut together..and we did something else..guess what.......
Look at my face..see anyting different?