Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Happiness is your choice...

Life is short,
There is how many 10 yrs in a life?
Why not make it live the fullness?
Enjoy it rather than making it miserable?
Happiness is a choice and we deserve to be happy! 

Happiness = no illness, able to travel around the world, able to go shopping/travel with mum, able to enjoy the food i like, able to take photos, able to see nice scenary around me, able to try new things - photography, sewing, ski and ATV ride in korea, able to see people happy, able to see my cute nephew and niece, able to have gathering with mum, dad and sis family, able to find my lost friend...

Happiness = content with what you have.

Afterthought...haha..say is easier than done.
But I have listed down quite a few things that I really feel happy about, life is not so bad afterall!