Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 - New outlook

New outlook for the blog with a photo that I took during New Zealand trip.
Black background look a bit "PRO"...Hahaha

Hopefully this year would be a better year for me?

Resolution for the year?

- To lose 5kg? (Hopefully my new posting will allow me to lose? but 2 weeks liao still no sight of any weight lost)
- To run 42km? (Felt like giving up liao cos one of my friend not going cos of old injury..)
- To jog 3 times a week?
- To Pass IPPT for FY 2011 and take IPPT in Aug for FY 2012? (hmm..say only)
- To save $$? (Did not put the amount cos I will not save that in the end...hmm)
- To have a happy mind everyday?
- To be wise?
- To be hardworking to apply my skin care? (Getting old liao...can see wrinkles liao)
- Go for Monthly Photography
- Sew something every month?
- Can I just stay at home and don't work???? (Asked mum...“妈,你可一养我吗?”)

Nonsense Resolution for 2012.....=P