Saturday, April 11, 2015

11 APR 2015 - KAMAKURA

Morning, checked out of the Ryokan and went to our new hostel in Tokyo. Guest House TOKYO HUTTE. Initially thought will only stay in Tokyo for 2 days, but due to some of the places that I wanted to see and their officially opening date, I planned to stay in Tokyo for another day.
Searching for this guest house was a bit difficult. Asked the cashier at some 7-eleven shop and they did not seem to give us the correct direction. Anyway, we still managed to figure it out ourselves.
After checking in to the guest house and deposit our luggage, we decided to have our breakfast. Not many shops around, so we took our breakfast at Mac Donald. No difference for the big breakfast set.
Took a train to Kamakura.
From Kamakura, we purchase 1 day pass at the ticket office right outside the JR Kamakura station (immediately to your left as you exit the station)
Anyway, asked around and we managed to buy the ticket which did not seem to worth its value.
It cost 570 yen.
We took the bus to Kōtoku-in Temple (高徳院) using the 1 day pass.

I went in to the interior of the Buddha. Cost me 20 yen. Nothing much to see anyway.

We walked our way to Ugafuku Shrine Zeniarai-Benzaiten, Kamakura(鎌倉 宇賀福神社 銭洗弁財天)
This is an interesting temple whereby if we washed our money at this temple, the money will multiply. We tried it and found it quite fun. However, the walk was a bit far but many went to this temple.

This is the place to wash the money.

Chong's basket. Mine was 100 notes x 2, 50 notes not sure how many. Thought might as well wash the money for mum as well.

Hase-dera (海光山慈照院長谷寺)

Small figurine in the cave.

Ok this was interesting.

When we walked to the Hase-dera temple, we saw the people queuing up to buy something like dumpling and the guy said oishi after first bite! So after finishing the temple, I came back to buy that. There was no queue for the dumpling anymore yet, there was a long queue for the octopus crackers. So I decided to try it. I have to purchase the ticket via the machine below. Then gave the ticket to the person. This was interesting as it was made from octopus and they actually using high temperature to press it with flour to make it flat like crackers!

Tsurugaoka Hachimangū (鶴岡八幡宮)

Kenchō-ji (建長寺)
Did not plan to visit this temple, but in order to fully utilized the 1 day pass, we visit it.

Sushi for dinner! Actually it was not very ex!
But I did not eat a lot of plate.
Stupid us...we used our hand to eat, then realize there was actually chopstick! saw some other customer using then I search around for chopstick. No wasabi though...
We had to order our food from the counter though it was actually "moving belt" restaurant. The Japanese customer would just said what she wanted to order to the counter at the centre.

Bought these 2 bread from Delifrance. Nice bread!

Taking the train home.
Another interesting thing happened.
We did not know there this "VIP" cabin so we went onboard and found it strange.
Few people board this cabin and it looked so comfortable.
We board it, then one lady came and asked for the ticket, then we realized we shouldn't board this cabin. However, the price to sit in this cabin was actually not much difference from what we paid using our PASSMO. Hmm...but we already tap our PASSMO well we went back to the cabin we suppose to be in, else we would pay double.

Our small small room at Guest House TOKYO HUTTE

Ok, some basic things to do when visiting shrine/temple.

Guest House TOKYO HUTTE - SGD 83.57/per night