Thursday, April 16, 2015

Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route

Woke up super early to travel to Toyama station in order to purchase ticket for the Tateyama Kurobe Alpine route. It was sold out over the web. Saw that actually if we travelled in group, it would be better to buy the tickets online. We just want to try our luck to see if we could still purchase the ticket. We caught the early train from Kanazawa to Toyama.

We saw long queue at Toyama station! We managed to get ticket for the alpine route. Not cheap, cost over 10,000 yen. We deposit our luggage for it to be delivered to Shinano Omachi Station, cost us around 1500 yen. Ok, check out the web for this. Just search under Tateyama Kurobe Alpine route will do.  

We had to catch different vehicle along the alpine route. Ok, please note, 1 of the route, we had to get the queue ticket! The personnel will walk around and issue the ticket. I am not sure which station, I think it was the first stop! Subsequently, queue ticket was not necessary.

During winter, this would be the main highlight.
We went on the day where it just open to the tourist. They had managed to clear the road for this.
Well, other places were still full of snow and not assessable. You can still visit those lake, etc, which I did. You will need good shoe. Chong did not go with me as her shoe would slip, ie slippery. And whole place cover with snow which was knee deep. I had to walk carefully and some places I stuck myself in the snow. Less people walking so, I had to struggle my way through with no assistance.

The lake covered with snow. It would be nice if it was not winter. However, pros and con, I managed to see the snow corridor.

Alone walking through the snow. Others with equipment, me.....nothing.

Reached check point. some hot spring house. Then I returned to where I started off alone...

Most of the transport for the route were crowded!
Took bus, tram like this to get to another point.

The dam....covered with snow as well...

Collected our luggage and took train to Matsumoto Station

Dinner at shopping centre near Matsumoto Station

Our hotel, walking distance from the station. Very near.

Hotel Montagne Matsumoto SGD 259.18/ 2 nights

Tateyama Kurobe Alpine Route