Joined a tour and went to Springbrook, "SPRINGBROOK, NATURAL ARCH & TROPICAL FRUIT TASTING". We paid AUD180 for 3 tours. Went to the meeting point, somewhere near the Wheel at around 7.50am. The company was also there. There were different different van fetching different tour, so we had to check with the driver what tour was it before boarding.

↓ Our travel mates

↓ At the fruit tasting place. Nothing much to taste...never see any fruit trees etc..

↓ Back to the meeting point.

Below taken with Olympus.

↓ See the rainbow caused by the water?

↓ Restaurant for lunch. Nice European style deco.

↓ Lunch, AUD 15.50, some lamb stew? Sour rice...hmm.

↓ Our tour bus