Joined the tour again for Blue Mountain which cost us AUD71.10
First, we visited the Olympic Park, home of the 2000 Olympics

↓ Nepean River

↓ Blue Mountain, Know why its called Blue Mountain? Look at the tip. Caused by mist...
Our tour guide taking photos of our tour mate siting at the edge. Scary...but the angle was really nice.

↓ The three sister. There was a story behind. Do a search on google and you will know.

↓ This waterfall, hmm...Only few people followed the tour guide. It was raining and cold, mum and Chong stayed in the bus and I followed the track down. There were quite a number of stairs......

↓ Going for a river cruise back to sydney.

Taken with Olympus

↓ Scary to stand near the edge and the wind was strong.

↓ Paid additional AUD 25 for the cable and train ride in Scenic World.
Valid only to and fro, ie 2 rides. We wanted to go again but couldn't.

↓ Lunch stop in Leura Village

↓Lunch, Fish and Chip cost AUD 8, Sauce, AUD 0.30 per pack

↓ Cruise back to Sydney.

↓ Shaky hand.....