Joined the Floriade tour for AUD 59. Actually, not tour, it was only a bus ride to the Floriade place. 15 Sep 2012 was the first day for the floriade. Hmm...everywhere looked the same though it stated that there was different theme. However, Maybe from top, we could see it better? Well, the first day of the floriade, I could see that the flower was going to wither. Can they last till end of floriade?

↓ Mum and her AUD 5 hat

↓ trying very hard to take photo with the flower without killing them.

↓ Floriade was like some carnival with stalls selling things, food station...

↓The owner relaxing on the swing she was selling...

Taken with Olympus.

↓ Our Lunch.

↓ rainbow from the droplets..taken from the bus.