↓ Remains of the Pasar Malam...
They were setting up the stalls...

↓ The street that we were staying in.

Breakfast, my western set HK 48

Went to lamma island, took ferry from Central. Had to walk a bit to the ferry terminal no 4.
Lamma island as compared to Tai O, I preferred Tai O.
Lamma island, there was a lot of walking but nothing much to see.
It was like crossing a mountain to the other side
We stopped at 榕樹灣, walked to 索罟灣 and took ferry back to Central
↓ IFC in Central...
On our way to Ferry Terminal

↓ Central Pier

↓ Finally Terminal 4, we could use Octopus Card to take the ferry.

Suggested itinerary as follows (taken from some other blog)
↓ At Lamma Island after alighting from the ferry.
Ferry ride about 35mins.

- 榕樹灣大街
預計停留 60分鐘 (午餐)

- 榕樹灣天后廟
沿主路前行不久,右方即見一分支路,轉入可前往天后古廟參觀 (步行2-5分鐘)。這間廟宇歷史相當悠久,已難考證於何時興建,只知它曾於清光緒二年(1876年)重修。最為人津津樂道的是廟前的一對西式石獅子,據稱自建成後,漁民的漁穫便豐富起來,所以島上居民均認為石獅能帶來財運。
預計停留 15分鐘
- 洪聖爺海灘
沿原來的主路繼續前行,至一右轉彎角,可見前往洪聖爺泳灘和索罟灣的指示牌。(步行 20分鐘) 位於榕樹灣東南面,水清沙幼,附近設有燒烤場,是愛好游泳、燒烤人士的好去處。
預計停留 5分鐘
↓ At some food stall..

↓ Nice Soya Beancurd with brown sugar

↓ Whose glass?

- 離開洪聖爺村後,徑道開始慢慢爬升至南丫島中央的山坡地帶。由洪聖爺海灘沿家樂徑步行至索罟灣,全程約需一小時。山路平坦,沿途可飽覽索罟灣魚排及海灣景色,每逢假日都吸引不少遊人。
預計步行 30分鐘
↓ There was this small garden with nothing much to see and no phtography.

↓ Now, start of the up and down slope across the mountain...
Someone drew these on stone to entertain the long journey?

- 山頂亭
預計停留 5分鐘
- 蘆鬚城
由山頂亭沿路繼續前行 (步行30-35分鐘) 便到達蘆鬚城。唐朝時 (公元 618 - 907年 ),此處是島上的工業重鎮,居民烘乾貝殼製造石灰。遊人可參觀學校前面的兩個石灰?,另有七個散布在附近的沙灘上。
預計停留 15分鐘
- 離開蘆鬚城後,可見到一個分叉路口,於第一個路口轉左,再於第二個路口朝右走便可直達索罟灣。(步行 40分鐘)小徑途經二次世界大戰時日軍使用過的隧道,然後沿著海灣迂迴前行,經過一列房屋後,不久可見渡輪碼頭和屹立索罟灣畔的天后宮。
- 索罟灣
難得一見索罟灣漁排: 它是香港最大的養魚區之一,見到一連串的漁排,令人感受到昔日漁港風情。此外,這裡亦可見到多間海鮮菜館沿岸而立,很多人在周末專程乘船前來品嘗海鮮。遠足完畢,大吃一頓,也是賞心樂事。可在此乘搭渡輪往中環或街渡往香港仔,再轉乘其他交通工具。
預計停留 90分鐘

It was a long route which involved slope...up and down..like I said, we were crossing the mountain to reach the other end of the island.
↓ Lunch at some seafood restaurant

↓ Order this set for 2 person, Sea food lunch HK 218,
A lot for the 2 of us

↓ After lunch, we missed the ferry at around 2.35pm. Next ferry was 4.05pm.
Entertained ourselves...
There were no shops around also.

↓ Really nothing better to do.......

↓ Back to Central
Saw some ang moh trying to shoot the building with ugly pose...
So I looked out of the pedestrain crossing to see what he was trying to shoot..

↓ Went to H & M, bought nothing...
Went to The Landmark below....

↓ Continue to explore around Central...

↓ 砵典乍街 (石板街)

↓ Saw someone taking wedding photo here.

↓ Back to "Branded" street and took MTR home.