Went to Tai O today. The weather was cold....
MTR 旺角(Red) - Lai king (Change Orange) - 東涌
在東涌站(終點站)下車由B或C出口出站,穿過”東薈城”即可以看到”東涌巴士總站”(巴士總站旁就是”昂坪纜車站”可以搭纜車上大嶼山),找11路大嶼山巴士站台,搭巴士到大澳(車程約45分鐘), Cost HK 16 (Using Octopus card)
Nothing much in Tai O, old house and old temple...
Not bad for photography.
Strange was that the houses were mostly metal...
Ok, I created part 1 and 2 for Tai O entries because, I had taken some portrait with Nikon and some scenary with Olympus. This part 1 mainly taken by Nikon. Ok, I am lazy to sieve out the photos according to the location/time of our visit.
Please bare with entries here, mostly portraits of me and my mum =P