Cost $25 per pax. Original Price was $45.
The voucher excluded $2.50 service charge that we have to paid.
Information of restaurant can be found in their website.
5 Puvis Street 01-04 S 188584

I would say, it was quite hard to make a booking. Tried email, no reply. Tried calling and the phone was engaged even though we tried calling for long.
Anyway, we managed to make a reservation. Advance reservation was required.
The restaurant opened only at 1pm. We reached a few minutes before 1pm and were told to wait outside the restaurant. Not sure why we could not sit and wait in the restaurant.
Fine, we waited for our menu to be served to us. Waited for our free flow drinks to be served to us. Waited for someone to collect our order. Waited for our food to be served to us....
↓ 1st impresson - Wow! so many dishes available to order.

↓ Our order

There were 2 waitress in the restaurant and they were foreigner, we had to figure out what they trying to tell us. Basically, we did not know what we were eating? When we asked the waitress, they told us they were not sure but the dish looked like XXX........
↓ Fruit Salad = pear salad?
↓ Huge Bacon cheese roll! 1 portion and it came 4!
Foie Gras Empanada, meat puff with thick pastry skin
Oyster and scallop with large shell but small meat.

↓ Mini Hawaii pizza "tomato"

Overall, the food was not nice. Waiting time long. Atmosphere cozy. Not worth $25 for the meals.