↓ Breakfast

Wonder whether I should go.
Cost HK 399 per entry. It was quite expensive since I had visited it before.
Well, to save the trouble of thinking where to go, Disney was a good choice.
We took awhile to queue for our tickets, but the queue for the rides in the park was quite fast.
The park getting less crowded...
↓ At the entrance

Tomorrow Land

↓ No problem even if you do not know how to drive.
You will never get out of the lane.

Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters
Went in with mum, trying hard to shoot the target with our laser gun...

UFO Zone
Stitch Encounter
Space Mountain
The park attendant told me that it was like roller coaster, hmm...I went in alone and I sat alone.
Total darkness, it was not fun as there was only some cornering..
↓ Was this "Space Mountain"?

Fantasy Land
Golden Mickey

↓ Did not take the ride but took photo of the tea cup

Fantasy Garden
↓ Was this taken in Fantasy Garden?
Not sure, saw that it belong to the same theme so I parked the photos here.
Oh....With my new red hat bought from disney store.

↓ China people really knew how to pose. Not like me, everytime no pose.
So below learnt from them...but theirs were more disgusting (Ok I did not know how to act cute)

The many adventures of Winnie the Pooh
↓ Queueing for our rides

Snow White Castle
↓ The castle was huge, you will be able to see it upon entry.

↓ In Disney Food Court

↓ Lunch at the food court, Fish and Chips.

Cinderella Carousel
↓ Did not take the ride...too kiddy for us?

Dumbo The flying elephant
Mickey's PhilharMagic
3 D show, watched it on previous visit, watched it this visit and I still love it! The songs were nice and the 3D effect together with water spray etc was fun!

Toy Story Land

Barrel of fun
RC Racer
This ride was scary, if someone was with me, I would defintely try it.
Toy Story Parachute Drop
This ride was not scary at all...
Mum also tried it.
Quite fun actually.

Slinky Dog Spin
This ride I tried it myself...
Hmm...not dizzy actually..

Adventure Land
Jungle River Cruise
↓ Went to this River cruise only as we had went to other places in Adventure land before and nothing much to see..and mum complained she did not want to climb the stairs..etc

↓ Disney MTR

We did not wait for the fireworks as we seen that before.
Went to Jordan in search for my luggage.
Luggage torned and unable to lock. Bought one which cost HK 499...sigh...broke
Walked from Jordan to Mongkok, On the way saw steamboat buffet, and we went to have our dinner.
Walked from Jordan to Mongkok, On the way saw steamboat buffet, and we went to have our dinner.