剧情简介 · · · · · ·
万物法则皆讲求理性逻辑,爱情却是例外!《谈情说案》讲述了教授遇上女警,展开一段理性与感性角力的浪漫爱情故事。当中穿插一宗又一宗奇特有趣、必须物理角度拆解的案件,增添剧集的趣味性,令观众欲罢不能。 景博(林峰饰)被喻为最年轻天才物理学家,受聘回港当大学副教授,并在好友重案组高级督察卢天恒(马国明饰)的诚邀下,以超凡的科学角度分析,成功协助警方破解多宗奇案,更结识了探员徐小丽(犀利妹)(杨怡饰)。景博出身名门,理性、讲逻辑;小丽出身草根,感性、讲直觉。两个不同世界的人,燃起爱火,必然承受考验。 另一方面,风流不羁的天恒,和旧同学凌敏嘉(廖碧儿饰)维持着一段纯情欲的关系,后来敏嘉发现爱上天恒,明白二人没有结果,便毅然离港。一日,天恒再遇敏嘉,得知敏嘉将与男友结婚,天恒才赫然发现不想失去敏嘉。
Wow..if you understand the chinese above. Haha..looks chim for me.
Well, this show is nice and exciting cos there are some police cases and solved by using "physics". Yes, explained via physics...I never interested in that but this show made me realise that a lot of things can be explained by using that. eh...whether its real or not, I have no interest to find out. too chim..
I never like the main actor 林峰 as I find him bored in the show. Hmm..this show is the same. Think its the police cases that made the show interesting and made me want to continue watching.