Took the bus to the different attraction.
There was timing for the bus. 1st bus started from 淡水捷運站 at 0900hrs.
We reached around 0904hrs and we missed the bus. Waited for the next bus at 1000hrs.
The interval for the bus was around 1 hr. ie, every stop, we limited ourselves to 1hr. Anyway, we could not visit every stop. Especially if you were to visit 朱銘美術館 and 野柳地質公園. These 2 places would take more hours. Maybe half day each? We visited them in our last trip anyway.
We bought the round trip ticket for TW100. Unlimited rides.
We had to choose where to go. The last bus was 1600hrs?
Anyway, visit the website for the timing.
The stops were as follows. Visited those in bold, but it would be good if we have more time to explore the places. Each places, there were other attraction nearby. However, we limited ourselves to around 1 hour and board the next bus. Anyway, we did not have time to finish all places.
石門洞 (New stop)
金山老街 (New stop)
There's nothing much at 三芝遊客中心及名人文化館. There was a small park nearby, then followed the sign to 源興居.
This place was very small. From the door, you may browse what was inside. Basically, nothing. We took photos of the exterior and went off. Less than 5 or 10 mins?
Back to the park near 三芝遊客中心及名人文化館.
You can see the 福德水車公園生態園區 from here. Actually there was route like tracking route? or Park route? Mum did not want to walk the route so we went back to 三芝遊客中心暨名人文物館 to wait for the bus to the next stop.
Brief description of the famous people?
Saw many blog about this place.
Saying this is famous for wedding photos?
Actually it was a small area with some structure?
There were other places like 富貴角燈塔 nearby. Hmm..We were lazy to walk...
新十八王公 temple
This brand dumpling was said to be famous in this area.
It was just beside the temple. We went in to try.
The soup was not bad.
The dumplings.....
I bought the 招牌粽 for TW55. Mum bought 蛋黄粽 for TW35? Anyway, mine with more meat and 虾米. Meat was hard. Think I would prefer those in Singapore? Next stop, 石門洞 This was newly added! Saw it in their brochure.
Good! Saw 老梅海濱石槽 and 石門洞風景區 somewhere but it was too far from the 新十八王公(石門婚紗廣場) stop. Now they included 石門洞 as new stop and we visited it!
老梅海濱石槽 石門洞 Our next stop, 筠園
Actually it was grave yard for 鄧麗君, famous old singer.
鄧麗君紀念館由鄧家整理鄧麗君的遺物展示於此,包括曾穿上台演唱的服裝及家居服,還有鄧麗君所出過的唱片。並利用電腦科技的設計建造了巨型琴鍵,並將巨型琴鍵鑲在墓園的地上,只要一踩,便會發出優美的樂音。只要一走進筠園,就會聽到「好花不常開,好景不常來,愁堆解笑眉,淚灑相思帶」............的白符飄揚在耳邊。 也特別設計了一座音符花園,以小灌木排列出音符符號,以象徵鄧麗君的塑像宛如音樂女神般靜靜的豎立其中,充份表現出鄧麗君生前對音樂的喜好。 還有一部自動點唱機,裡內存有十首鄧麗君的成名曲,包括「何日君再來」、「小城故事」等膾炙人口的好歌,寧靜的山巒之間,終日飄送著其甜美而優雅的歌聲,彷彿歌迷們永遠的懷念。
The big piano in front of the graveyard. Actually beside the singer's graveyard, everywhere was other people's graveyard! I would say whole mountain?!
Then really, they played the singer's song.....
not sure her "neighbour" was lucky to be able to hear her song over and over again?
The graveyard of the singer.
Then while we were waiting for our bus, we saw this...
A group of vehicle with Buddha passing by...
Why??? What's the occasion? We did not know...金山金包里老街, New stop as well! Saw this cute bus when we were on our way to 基隆 基隆火車站(旅服中心) Short walk to 基隆廟口 Another night market. Bought this pancake with ice cream. Mum bought pancake with red bean I only got to see this in some drama. Never will I saw such scene in Singapore. Long queue for this Bao. Inside only Vegetable and nothing special. Tasted normal but why long queue? This was not bad. With different seasoning added. |
Well, the last bus departed from 基隆, think was 1600hrs.
We had to take another bus back to Taipei instead.
Walked back to 基隆火車站(旅服中心), Cross the overhead bridge to the bus terminal and took BUS 1813 to Taipei bus terminal. Quite fast actually.
Above taken by Nikon 5000
Still prefer DSLR