Took their MRT to 永寧站
捷運永寧站 (西門站>南港-板橋-土城線>永寧站)
From the MRT, took bus from the bus stop nearby.
Wanted to take bus 917 to 鶯歌, but waiting for bus need around 30mins or 1 hour.
Saw the sign board, there were many buses going to 鶯歌 or 三峽.
We took not sure which bus to 三峽.
Nowadays, it was quite easy to travel in Taipei!
The bus shows the next bus stop name on their panel.
So we did not worry where to stop, we just see the bus panel and stop at the correct stops.
Did not have to ask the bus driver to let us know where to alight.
已有六十多年歷史了,最早興建於一九三三年,是為進入 三峽地區的一大特色。 此三峽拱橋可是日據期代,日本設計師杉村庄一所設計的, 橋身造型流暢俐落、優美典雅,外形採拱形設計,上設計有 三座拱形橋面,且橋的中央及兩邊還裝飾有西式的燈座。
The soya beancurd was not bad.
Can mix with whatever ingredient you want.
This bread tasted not bad.
Buttery taste?
This place was actually not bad. There is a market before we found old street.
We could find lots of clothing in the market.
Cheap?? Not sure.
I bought flower printed pants for TW290?
Anyway, this place was more interesting than 鶯歌.
Lucky we visited 三峽 first.
Follow the sign....
民權街原名三角湧街,是三峽早期的市集中心。今天所見到兩旁 的建築,是日治以後才重建的。據說,當年蓋老街所使用的磚塊都是遠渡日本過來的哩!在老街上你可見式的古老房樓,外觀雕刻精巧,整體規劃給人濃濃的古早味;只是現在老式建築,已所剩無幾。目前三峽老街所保存的部份,僅剩餘民權街的部份, 是全台灣現存最完整的老街。巴洛克式的建築矗立於街道上,走在百年歲月老街上, 豐富你心靈及視覺。老街所給人溫柔及些許的哀愁, 近年來,因都市計劃,再加上當地居民與政府相關單位, 為拆與不拆,展開拉鋸戰,反至老街問題令人受囑目。
Super hot sunny day.
Weather forecast before I came. Scattered thunderstorm.
Hmm..I did not see rain? I see super hot sun everyday!
Nice 猪血糕
I took it once at other places and did not like it.
It just like some rice taste? But this tasted nice.
─共歷經三度重建,初創於乾隆三十四年,因大地震毀壞, 於清道光十三年重建;第二是因甲午戰爭馬關條約,將台灣 割讓給日本,但三峽居民不願被統治,以廟為大本營, 但最後因廟堂遭日軍燒毀,直到光緒廿五年再度重建。 第三次重建於民國三十六年,從當地畫壇藝術家李梅樹, 主其事,他將畢生歲月專門投入弘揚中華藝術,把中國傳統 的建築雕刻之美,做一處最精采精典的呈現。 故有〞東方藝術殿堂〞之美名。 每一處雕工均是匠心獨運,精雕細琢,可謂是鬼斧神工。 有許多自國外欣賞藝術人士,均把這裡當成藝術重鎮。 廟宇本身匠心獨具,早已遠遠超越廟宇本身的宗教意義了。
This place was not big. The owner was very friendly and explained to us how she dyed her clothing, etc. We could pay to try out but we didn't.
We took bus 702 to this place.
This place was free admission.
Basically exhibition of Hakka tradition?
Barbie display on Hakka clothing.
Think we took 917 from the Hakka place to this place.
Walking through some place...
After which came to a shop where we could pay and learn how to make our own ceramic items
However, for completion of whole thing took more than 1 days and we were told they could mail to us..Hmm....did not try.
How I wish I could buy these cute bowl, plate home!
Taken using NEX 5N
Compared to DSLR, I still prefer DSLR.