Went alone to Bangkok. Not sure what to do, where to go.
This time, I went by SQ. The air ticket was cheap. $198.
Compare to budget.
Well, someone could not go, so I went alone.

My hotel room was so scary.
the toilet like it wanted to vomit out something.
Sound like "grop grop" so scary.
I could not even sleep peacefully.
The next morning, it really "explode". Splashed out foam all over.
I asked the hotel to do something and they did not. 2nd time I reported, then they offered to change a room for me.

Went Café hopping. Not bad idea. I walked around. explore new places.
Not much food variety. No dessert menu. Ordered a drink and sat on the floor and look at the cat.
Quite cozy and the cats were cute.