Joined as there were originally only 2 person joining. One had volunteered, another name was put up by me. I was initially not happy with my unit as no one seem to be interested and no one willing to join. Well....I thought my unit was always not supportive which was usually the case. This time round, I could not say that as only us around. ie, I did not see rest of the unit joining! Or they gave their name but they did not turn up.

Listening to any special briefing..

We then proceed to our zone. There were around 21 of us, we were grouped to 5 in a team.

Well, I was shocked that we had to go into the muddy water.

We started walking down to pick up any rubbish.
The muddy water was scary as often we got stuck in the mud and it was hard to lift up my leg. We tried to walk near to the branches, at least we got support if we got stuck.

Saw us???? Walking deep into the mangrove, following the orange guide.
It was tiring and not easy.
I did not know what I stepped into.

Weighing our bag of rubbish.

A guided walk after that. The guide told us that the people would come to this park to pick up snail for food. They would dirty the mangrove by throwing their rubbish there.
The mangrove trees, when they grow up, they would dropped their roots to balance the whole tree..