Having IST today, afternoon session was amazing race by the garden, "Garden by the bay".
We were given a 3 page questions to fill in and the answers were in the garden.
We then wander around searching, asking, looking high and low....
We pester the information counter whom....was trained with theory (they told us)....trying their best to help us....but....Anyway, really thanks as they really trying their best to help us! grateful...
Now, i knew that walking around the garden does not need to pay and you get to see quite a lot. Areas that need to pay were Cooled Conservatories - Flower Dome and Cloud Forest $20, OCBC Skyway $5 and Garden Cruiser $5, well we walked and the garden was big? Not sure, walking under hot sun and searching for answers......I wished the garden could be smaller.

My squardmate

Women of the same work place

One of the team

Our team taking photos with.....Icon of Garden by the bay??

Let's walk there....

One of the questions, "How many elephants are there?"

Taken by EPL2.