Food, chat, laughter..........
Birthday, Welcome, Farewell all in one.
Double joy for some who would be promoted coming June.
The quiet Breeks restaurant at Changi Airport was filled with laughter from us.
Did not really see much crowd except the 14 of us...
OC had warned me not to order pasta...she kept asking me to change my Beef Lasagna order but I did not.stubborn? But ok lar, the food turned out not bad...though i tried the pasta order by my colleague..really not that nice.
Anyway, the place with not much customer was good for portrait. There were nice background with red furnish...
Below taken with Olympus EPL2. Think I switched to Aperture mode, suppose to be Auto but thought "A" = Auto, and photos were blurred initially when my colleague took it for the birthday girl. Then I switched to Auto, then I switched to Portrait mode which was much much better! The photos were jumble up anyway, not sure whether the difference is obvious. The food photo taken with Iphone...
↓ First Birthday Girl on the left...
My OC...
↓ Farewell to Ms Selina on the left..
She went to different HU..
↓ 2nd Birthday girl on the right..
↓ My order...Beef Lasagna
Promotion comes with soup and drinks.
↓ The 3 HUOs....
↓ My partner...
↓ My coachee...Hmm...never did much coaching with her as she is really good..
↓ Found that this photo was funny...
↓ Birthday girl and her present
Practice was that every birthday girl got a G shock....
↓ Love this photo which was taken with a timer and camera placed on the table opposite us.