Thursday, March 17, 2011


Took my IPPT today!
Started to feel stress after lunch.
My heart beat faster and faster...

Tried my timing on Monday and I couldn't complete 6 rounds..after first 2 rounds of 05:30mins, I felt breathless, struggled for the 3rd round and i gave up walking 4th..and after that, called it a day.

Today..the test..
everyone saw my stress face..
Going through static without any problem, even the sit up felt easier this time.. nightmare..2.4km run......ever since they changed to track, I only passed 1 time when time for me to be promoted. And actually, I missed my promotion cos I failed IPPT.

Same..I ran 2 round, overtaking one of my colleague..I knew that she could run..
After 2 round, i started walking..walked the round..then started opening up at the straight line..trying to catch up with my colleague..then..I started walking again..

Walked and ran, walked and ran..and I thought I couldn't make it. 5th round, 14:30min..I still continued walking my 6th...Ran straight..and stopped..I knew I am reaching the ending point, so I opened up and ran all the way! Reached the end, saw my timing 17:21min! YES! I MADE IT! LUCKY!!!

I am so happy! Finally pass!
The interval training during the Remedial training, hmm, think it helps afterall..