大溪花海农场 is located in Taoyuan.
It is very near the 大黑松小倆口愛情故事館, so we actually asked the salesgirl and walked over to this farm.
The rain start and stop. It really spoilt our mood. When it stopped we were so happy, however, it started a few minutes later. Only a short moment of joy.
The below 1 picture is lavender. Hmm..Can't believe lavender look like that. Thought it is suppose to be nice? Maybe wrong season.
This is another park near the farm. We walked awhile and give up cos of the rain.
Me waiting impatiently for the bus. Schedule shown last bus 3.30pm. We asked the people staying here and they said not true. We were so kanchiong...unless you got own vehicle if not its very hard to get out of this place. There were no cab in sight also. Bus finally arrived 1 - 1.5 hrs later =(