17 Feb 10
Checked out of hotel, again, we were early and walked around for phototaking.
We proceed to Shuishe Quay. We did not enjoy the views of Sun Moon Lake cos it was raining. We had to carry our umbrellas. My husband kept nagging at me as I did not bother about the rain and continue taking photo using my DSLR, and his 18-200 lens =P. The camera/lens might get fungus from the rain. Then I was thinking, I shall buy Canon compact camera to be used for raining days!
Did not walk around the area cos of the rain. My shoe was soaked with water =( Went back to the meeting point and found some place to rest.
日月潭- 文武廟
Next, we took a short journey bus ride to Wen Wu Temple which commemorate Confucius and the martial sages "Guangong" and Yuehfei. This place, you can "Chiu Qian", prayed to the god, asked him what you wanted to know. Tradditional way, shake the container with the stick. The stick that dropped out will answer your query. We did not do it the traditional way, but we tried the fortune telling machine. You inserted some coins into the machine, the fairy would come out with loud music, she dropped a roll up paper, you picked it up and it told you about your future. Quite cute actually. Hmm...mine was not good and i burnt it.
Toilet break, bought donuts, hot latte and hot tea. Spotted some sunflowers where some already withered.
Next stop, Fo Guang Shan - literally "Buddha's Light Mountain" laden with magnificient temples, Buddha sculptures, classical gardens, and be enchanted by the unique interior design of the main hall. (copied from itinerary =P)
This place was quite big but we only had little time. We even had to run uphill to take photos of the big buddha =( Then the uncle in our group told us that we could travel to Tibet cos we got energy to run uphill. hmm............
Dinner at Liu He Night Market. This market sold mainly food and it was very crowded. However, we did not consume our dinner in the night market but in some shops outside the night market cos of the crowd. We packed 蚵仔煎, oyster omelette. The taiwan omelette goes with sweet sauce. I preferred Singapore version.
I preferred Feng Jia Night Market at Taichung which we went on Day 2, did not take any photos. Feng Jia Night Market, at least there were shops selling clothing, accessories, etc and its not mainly selling food.
愛河 (高雄)
This was not in our itinerary. We came here cos our hotel was nearby, within walking distance about <5 mins. I read that its one of the attractions and the show "Jiu yao zhe yang wan" ever showed this place. The night lightings were nice but I was so cold =(
The taiwan news reported that taipei temperature dropped. It was very cold in Taipei now. I was scared then as I did not have clothing to withstand that!